Rhaphidophora decursiva, commonly known by its cultivar name 'Dragon Tail', is an easy to care for, visual striking, and fast growing houseplant.
Leaves begin solid but emerge as split leaves as the plant matures. Eventually the leaves, which also get larger with maturity, take on an almost palm-like appearance. Luckily, R. decursiva care is nothing like a palms. These plants tolerate underwatering, low light, and average household humidity. But if you give it what it wants, it will grow very quickly. Various plant bloggers talk about how a greenhouse cabinet will give it the ideal conditions to thrive but, if you do that, it will quickly outgrow the cabinet. Guess you'll just have to get a bigger cabinet!
Note: Some people are incorrectly calling this plant Epipremnum pinnatum. E. pinnatum are distinguished by pinholes growing along the mid-rib of the leaf.
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Low light, drought.
Medium - bright indirect. Brighter light = Larger leaves, more splits, faster growth. Tolerates low light but more susceptible to overwatering. Too much direct sun = Burnt leaves.
Water when at least 30 - 50% dry. Tolerates drought. Wilts when severly droughted. Severe drought for an extended period of time= Brown leaf tips. Overwatering = Yellow leaves, black & rotting stems. When in doubt, do not water.
50 - 70%. Tolerates average household humidity.
Leaves emerge with slits as plant matures. Grows quickly in ideal conditions. Will require support (trellis, stake, etc.) to control growth. Stems are thick so train early.
55 - 80F. Minimum 55F.
Soil & Potting
Use a light, fluffy, and well-aerated potting mix. Add bark or perlite to increase drainage and aeration. Increase pot size gradually. Too small of a pot = Stunted leaf growth.