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The Perfect Plant to Gift Each Enneagram

Kelcie Scott

This year, instead of trying to guess what a friend, coworker, or loved one may want for the holidays, gift them the perfect plant according to their Enneagram. For those unfamiliar with Enneagram, according to Truity, Enneagram is, “a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions.” Here is our list of the best plant to gift each of the 9 Enneagram types.

Graphic by Haley Keizur/Foghorn

Type 9 - The Peace Maker: Peace Lily

Gifting a Peace Maker a peace lily is a great choice for a handful of reasons. A Peace Maker’s basic fear is loss and separation. The peace lily is one of the easiest plants, so it will stick around for the long haul. It can live in a variety of lighting conditions and droops when thirsty. Peace lilies can be found in small, medium, and large sizes, making them functional in any space, just like their Peace Maker plant parent who adapts to whatever is happening in the room. Peace lilies are also a symbol of, you guessed it, peace.

Type 8 - The Challenger: ZZ Plant

When we say, “Your Challenger friend does not want to be controlled,” what we really mean is, “Your challenger friend does not want to be controlled by anything, including a needy plant.” The ZZ plant requires very little of its plant parent because it thrives on neglect. ZZ can live in any light; from super bright indirect to a nearly windowless basement. And, while your challenger friend is out dominating (good or bad) whatever it is they care about most, they won’t need to worry about watering because ZZ are highly drought tolerant. Depending on the light, they can go anywhere from many weeks to a few months before needing a drink. So, keep fighting the good fight, Challenger. The ZZ plant will be here to comfort you when you get home and are ready to be vulnerable.

Type 7 - The Enthusiast: Friendship Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

One of the newer houseplants, the Enthusiast in your life will be excited to accept the Pilea into their home. While the talented social butterfly Enthusiast is out and about, they can rest assured knowing that their Pilea will be just fine if it gets slightly droughted. Then, when the Enthusiast gets home, the Pilea will wave for attention by drooping, reminding the Enthusiast that it needs a drink. The best part is Pilea shoot off many small “pups”. The pups are easily propagated, allowing Enthusiasts to share their plant with their many friends at one of their many social gatherings.

Type 6 - The Loyalist: Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

If you’ve ever owned a snake plant, you know they are a “ride or die” kind of plant, just like any Loyalist in your life. While snake plants thrive in medium to bright indirect light, they are also low light tolerant. So, self-doubt and suspicion in Loyalists be damned! There’s no place you can put this plant where it won’t keep on keepin’. Snake plants are also a variety of plant that produces “pups”, which Loyalists can share with members of their inner circle.

Type 5 - The Investigator: Desert Rose

The insightful and curious characteristics of any Investigator will have them swooning over the desert rose. The desert rose is capable of branching when cut, offering innumerable design options and variations for the Investigator to enjoy. The contemplation can continue when the desert rose blooms in the summer sun and heat with the right amount of water. After all, it’s always a good idea to help the Investigator in our life get out of the house occasionally, right? Pink blossoms are the most common but they also come in white, yellow, a deep red, and many other colors. What Investigator doesn’t want to sit in front of a desert rose, watch bees pollinate the flowers, and contemplate existence?

Type 4 - The Individualist: Maranta

When you gift a Maranta to an Individualist, you’re giving them a plant they can dote on. Maranta require medium to bright indirect light, increased humidity, and an ever-present eye to ensure that the soil is not too dry & not soggy, but lightly and perfectly damp. Taking care of a Maranta will make any Individualist feel fulfilled. The striking leaves that fold up at night could even inspire a little of an Individualist’s creativity.

Type 3 - The Achiever: Fiddle Leaf Fig

What houseplant is put on a higher pedestal than the Fiddle Leaf Fig? The Achiever desires significance and attention, which FLF command with their large leaves and immense height. Achievers are up to the challenge of taking care of a FLF, which isn’t actually as hard as people think. You just have to follow the rules consistently, which Achievers have no problem doing. Don’t be surprised when an Achiever starts sharing photos of their growing FLF and talks about their success as a plant parent.

Type 2 - The Helper: Pothos

Pothos are known for being great beginner plants so the general ease in care makes them perfect for a Helper. Helpers give so much to everyone in their life. By gifting them a plant that grows fast with little effort, you’ll make a Helper feel successful and needed. Pothos are also easily clipped and propagated, which means your Helper friend can give cuttings to individuals they care about.

Type 1 - The Reformer: Golden Barrel Cactus

Anyone familiar with Enneagram knows our Reformer friends have a deep understanding of right and wrong. But their fear of being evil and corrupt can be easily soothed by a Golden Barrel Cactus. The slow meticulous growth provides intentional and meaningful change. It also grows in what seems to be a perfect orb shape, without a needle out of place; a soothing sight for any Reformer. Because Reformer’s have high standards, they’ll have their cactus blooming in no time.

Original photo:

We hope this helped solidify your shopping list! Picking out a plant is as easy as knowing someone else’s Enneagram number.

PS: If you purchase a plant for yourself based on your own Enneagram number, that’s ok too!


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